Maxpayne 3 launching problems

Maxpayne 3 Loading errors

maxpayne 3 errors solution

1.Stuck at LOADING screen

Maxpayne 3 launching problems
 Many people have the problem that Maxpayne 3 launches but is stuck at the loading screen.The game is stuck on the loading screen,the music is still running,you can still move the mouse cursor but do not advance.To fix the problem you can try the following steps:

1.Try an updated PATCH

Rockstar Games have released many patches for the game.You can download the patches using Maxpayne 3 launcher directly or downloading from the internet.This can solve the problem.

2.Wait for a long time

Yeah,after waiting for long time the game can run.You can go to the desktop after this screen appears by pressing alt(button)+Tab.After at least five or ten minutes pass,you can run the gmae and the game may load.After a long wait you will see that SOCIAL CLUB information appears at the top right of the screen.Then the game works.

2.Stuck at INITIALIZING screen

   Some people also have the above problem.You can fix it by updating your Microsoft .NET Framework.If this still doesn't fix your problem,check for the compatibility issues.

(Please let us know about your problems so that we can try to fix it by replying to this posts in comments.Thanks)

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