Make Money in Assassins Creed 4

Make Money in Assassins Creed 4:
Make Money in Assassins Creed 4Although there are many ways to make money in Assassins Creed 4, which was released a few day a ago. Here I will discuss only a few of them in order to make you familiar with the game if you are new to it. Some ways of making money are more profitable than others.If you want to download this game then Click Here.These are actually some ways to make some Reales. Some of them are:

1) Legendary Ships:

These enemy ships are very very stong and needs heavily fortified Jackdaw. This will do massive amont of damage to you so becareful. If you some how managed to get one out they you will be rewarded with lots of bucks and weath.

2) Plundering Ships:

plundering is actually some thing free of cost from damaged goods etc. Simply search for ships that have plenty of Sugar,rum or wealth etc.Convoys also offer an opportunity to plunder massive amounts of money in one fell swoop.

3)Assassins Contract:

Assassin Contracts will earn you at least 1,000 Reales each. Some even have the opportunity to get you an additional 500 Reales if you remain undetected. Doing all of these will also earn you the most awesome Pistol Swords, which are exactly what they sound like.

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