After lot of waiting, finally this game is released and we can play it now on PC.Much of Ghosts' success stems from its own sense of humility. Infinity Ward(the developers) had done a great job reining in the excesses of previous Call of Duty campaigns, replacing the crumbling and destroying Eiffel Tower and runaway Tube trains of Modern Warfare 3(MW3) with a less heavy-handed approach that employs spectacle--and there's no shortage of that here--as more of a complement to its core combat. It's a game that avoids falling in love with its own cinematic ambitions, allowing the ruthless combat and well-paced encounters to take center stage over the plot.Most of the gaming communities are backing up this game because of its best multiplayer experience.
Release Date:
This game was released on 5th November 2013.
Good news for Xbox1 and PS4 Users:
If you a brand new Xbox 1 or PS 4 and you donot have any game available right now(there are some) then thumbs up, because this game is going to be released on 15th November.
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